Thursday, January 5, 2012

My momma's perfume.

My momma's perfume, smells like roses and lily's
it makes me feel warm and happy: almost giddy.
She smells so sweet, and it always calms me down.
when i'm scared or sad, and she sees me frown
she reaches over and makes me feel okay.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I wonder

I wonder what you think about,
I wonder what goes through your head.
I wonder if you think of me.
I wonder what is in your hear.
I wonder if i'm there.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Being Underwater.

It's sureal, if you think about it.
that' there's a whole other world under water.
that there's fishes in school.
and they feel like us too.
i know we've developed more,
but I think they are the more noble.

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Color Blue

Blues the blues, how you inspire me so.
Love and lust, I've got no more.
Underwater and above, the world is yours
Everywhere you go, your sadness follows.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


all the memories all the pain: it comes in waves.
salty waves they wash out everything
on shore the waves that ruin the best castles, that seem so sturdy.
the ones that leave everything wet, not caring, even a bit.
They hit like waves piercing your face, salty waves that flow out of your eyes,
a tear or a wave, it makes no difference at night.